I was forced to upgrade to the latest version of NAV a month ago. It uses alot of disk space in two areas and is rapidly making my computer unusable. It puts things in c:\Windows\temp and doesn't delete them, but at least I can delete those manually. It puts virus definitions in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs . It is currently using 96 GB and counting in the multitude of directories within that one. I am unable to delete any of those files, which have are all dated after I renewed/upgraded. I have attempted to disable NAV without success. Please help!
Something not right there -- hang on for the fire bregade!
Meanwhile to get you the best advice, would you give us some more information about your system:
What version of Windows are you using including Service Packs and whether 32 bit or 64 bit as well as the Name and Version ID of the Norton product that you are using -- Help or Support / About is where that is, in the format of nn.nn.nn.nnn where n is a number.
Please also say what internet browser you are using -- name and version number ...
How did you do the upgrade -- I imagine you mean from 2011 to 2012 but if not please clarify -- did you use a link in a message advising you that you could upgrade for free? Or did you download from a link here in the forums and install that? Or click on something under Support on the screen of NAV itself?
The more baclkground you can give the more help can be given ....
The computer is running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3, 32-bit. When I go to Support / About it says it's Norton Antivirus Version . I use IE version 8 for a browser. I upgraded because I had to renew and the version I had was no longer supported. I'd guess the original version dated back to 2005 or 2006. Thanks.
hi emupilot
i would upgrade too 2012 the upgrade is free this go to check for new verson too start the upgrade
That's great information -- that is old since we are up to now and if that is what you see now then you did not upgrade but maybe merely renewed. It is possible that the upgrade procedure downloaded files but never applied them.
How did you renew? Did you go online to Norton and buy the renewal there on line; or did you buy a retail copy and use the key to renew the subscription? What did you do about the upgrade?
Since this is NAV which doesn't have the Identity Safe data to be saved, i'd be inclined to uninstall, clean up with a special tool you can download,
Have you created a MyNortonAccount on line which shows the subscription is renewed with time to go and which also will give you the activation KEY if you click on the > arrowhead alongside the Norton AntiVirus name. If so make a note of the KEY.
This link Symantec Norton Removal Tool. will direct you to theSymantec Norton Removal Tool which can be used to clean up leftovers if you run it after Uninstalling Norton in the usual Windows way. Run it and reboot to complete the clean up. Check that those c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs files have been removed along with other Norton files there and then after rebooting reinstall NAV from scratch.
If all is well the simplest way to reinstall is to connect from the clean computer to your MyNortonAccount and then click on the Download button there since that downloads the latest version available for download and it is already activated so you don't actually need the key I said to save.
After that installation -- which uses a Download Manager -- is complete then run LiveUpdate a few times with a restart inbetween until it says you are fully uptodate and then you should be on the current version .....
Anything there not clear? If so shout ....
And check here in case there are some specific comments on what may have caused those files to grow.
David -- He say he has upgraded but clearly has not .... I'm giving him instructions on how to clean up before doing it again.
sorry hugh
The upgrade gave me my 96 GB back. Thanks all for your help.
Did you do the cleanout as suggested including manually deleting those files you mentioned if they were still there?
Knowing what you actually did will help others.