NAV2012 Silently Eat Up my HDD space..??

After months there's no solution given in the thread below


I've encountered another problem with Norton AntiVirus 2012, expecting the 2012 version will be the best I ever used but days after days became worst, here's the new problem...


Since last week I noticed my HDD free space got eaten almost 1 GB without any reason and there's no program installation or anything else.. After I checked with portable software WinDirStats, I discovered that old version folder of NAV2012 take almost 1 GB...


What is inside that folder?? And I'm asking.. CAN I DELETE THOSE..?? Or using Norton Removal Tool and delete all Norton related folder to free up my drive space and re-install Norton AntiVirus 2012..??


Waiting solutions...


Here's the screenshot (using WinDirStats)

