NBRT reboots multiple times or freezes during preparing scan section

I am having trouble running the NBRT tool to look for viruses that might be keeping me from installing Norton Security Premium on my PC.

I have created the image on a DVD and am booting up successfully.  I get the Linux desktop, choose English, and accept the agreement.

I know that it has loaded my disks because i can browse them from the recover files option.  When I start the scan process, it starts loading the virus defs (I think that is what they are, it uses a different term, which I can't remember right now), it moves on to the prepare scan phase and that is where things begin to go wrong.  It got to a certain point in the prepare scan phase and then rebooted.  This has repeated itself 5-7 times.  At one point, instead of rebooting again, it just froze, with no DVD activity or hard disk activity.  I waited about 15 minutes before manually restarting the machine.

I was never prompted about doing a root-kit check, so I don't know if that is now done automatically, and is the reason for some of the reboots.

Is any of this typical behavior for the NBRT?

I have started the process either manually due to freezes, or because of the tool rebooting itself, at lease 15 times.

I have been waiting in the support queue for about 45 minutes beyond the estimated 4 minute 40 second wait time.  I get transferred from the regular queue to q queue of techs more knowledgeable about the NBRT, but I have waited WELL PAST the estimated wait time twice and no one has responded.


FYI, none of the labels seem to apply to this, so maybe there needs to be some additional choices.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for writing to us at Norton Forums.

To further analyze the NBRT Reboot/Freezing issue that you mentioned in your comment, we would like you to share the NBRT logs with us. You can find  the NBRT logs saved in one of the drive partition's root level (e.g. C:\Symantec_NBRT\logs\ or D:\Symantec_NBRT\logs\ ).

Also please let us know if the machine is connected to internet and definitions are getting downloaded properly before starting the scan.

You can also write the downloaded NBRT.iso to a USB stick and use it to boot and scan the computer. Please find the steps to write NBRT ISO to a usb stick at "https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v72380755_EndUserProfile_en_us" under "Create bootable USB recovery media" section.


Mehul Chudasama

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Hi Kevin,

I'll have someone get in touch with you on this as soon as possible.
