
Hi folks,

I just learned that the recent update of Norton Internet Security planted ncrypt.exe on my 2 yrs. old PC running on Windows 10.

Since a couple of days, if not weeks, I noticed a lot of performance issues on my PC in particular when being online.  This already made me cautious and I spent a lot of time to isolate issues. However now it seems that Norton is the cause for it, taking advantage of my PC for crypto mining.

Please understand that I don't like this idea.

I also noticed promotional activities asking me to subscribe further services,  like this has been quoted by other customers of yours in your blog section. That's nothing I'm and others are willing to pay for on an annual basis.

Having a long history in using products from Symantec More in the early nineties of last century and since then also virus protection I'm more than disappointed. I will stay polite though harder words are coming to my mind.

Please be alerted that you are on a dangerous track. Your customers are an asset as big as your command of technology. Don't misuse your power to define your product but understand your customers' demands to get their faith as mine lasted for more then three decades now and might come to an end soon. Consider your heritage and stay faithful to your ancestors in business.

In short:

- stop advertisement of further products in daily execution of Norton Internet Security

- stop bugging the PCs of your customers with unwanted software

Best regards    JP (Europe)