Need help with Norton Security upgrade issue/mess

1 Desktop
2 Laptops
All Windows 7 Home 64-bit SP1 with Norton Security (see below regarding versions)

We currently have one desktop and two laptops in our home.  In April of this year I purchased Norton Security for 5 computers.  At that time we had NIS 2012 on all three computers.  After some research it was determined that I would download and install the Norton Security directly over top of the NIS from my Norton account.  The installations on the three computers went seamlessly and all has been working well since that time ... until now.

I recently went to upgrade my Firefox browser to version 39 and got the message that my Toolbar would be disabled as it would not be compatible with Firefox 39.  I went back through my Live Update history prior to the date that Norton released the Toolbar patch and it appears it has not been received on all three computers.  I did not go ahead with the Firefox update on any of the three computers as I did not want to lose the Norton Toolbar option.  It was around this same time that I realized none our computers have been given the Norton Product update which would update us to version  All three computers were showing that we are on version and that we had Toolbar version 2015.2.1.13.

After running Live Update multiple times on all three computers over the past few days and not receiving the Toolbar patch or the product version upgrade I decided that I should try uninstalling Norton and reinstalling to see if it would upgrade me to the proper version number and hopefully give me the patch for the Toolbar.  I first uninstalled Norton Security thru the control panel where I opted for it to keep my settings and passwords, since I was planning to reinstall, followed by a reboot.  After restarting and getting back to the desktop I ran the Norton Removal Tool.  The Tool did mention it could take several minutes, however, it took less than a minute.  I rebooted once again and when the computer restarted I went straight to my Norton account.  I downloaded a fresh copy of the Norton Installer and it appeared to install fine.  I ran Live Update manually.  The first update gave me 17 updates for a total of about 70 MB.  I clicked Live Update again once it was done and got 4 more update of about 57 MB.  I ran the Live Update a third time and it said there was no more update and that I was up to date.  Norton did not ask for any reboots after any of the updates which I had somewhat expected it would.  I then went to check what version I had expecting it to show but now it said I had version which appears to be an even older version than what I had started out with - what the heck???

Frustrated I decided to try running the Norton Uninstall & Reinstall Tool.  When I tried to run that tool it told me that it would give me a fresh copy of the version I already had: so I just closed that program as there didn't seem much sense running it at that point if it wasn't going to upgrade my version number.  I then tried doing the whole uninstall/reinstall, removal tool, etc. procedure all over again that I had first tried, only this time I told it to delete everything and not to keep any settings or passwords.  After completing that entire process again I was still showing as having version after install.  I then made the mistake of updating my Firefox to version 39 and now, of course, my Toolbar is disabled because my Norton version is so old and the Toolbar is now even older than the one I started out with.  Now it says I have Toolbar version 2015.0.0.76 when I had previously had version 2015.2.1.13.  One of the 17 updates I did receive when updating Norton was for the Toolbar so I am beyond confused at what to try next.

Lastly I tried downloading from the Norton Update Center a program called AutoDetectPkg which is supposed to detect your installed Norton product and provide the latest version.  When I ran this program it just opened the Norton version check page which says I have the latest version.  So this is where I stand for now.  I'm on Norton Security with a disabled toolbar version 2015.2.1.13 on one laptop and the other laptop and desk top are still on Version with Toolbar 2015.2.1.13.  Nothing like spending a whole afternoon going backwards instead of forwards.  Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Original version:

Version after install and reinstall with fresh copy:

And even though I do not have version I'm apparently all up-to-date: