Need some help with Ghost 14 - Errors

Hi there.

I am new to this product and got an errormessage while backup.




Fehler EC8F17B7: Wiederherstellungspunkte können nicht erstellt werden für Auftrag: Laufwerk-Backup von  (C:\), Daten (D:\). Fehler E7D1001F: In Datei kann nicht geschrieben werden. Fehler EBAB03F1: Das Zeitlimit für die Semaphore wurde erreicht. Fehler E7D10046: Dateigröße kann nicht festgelegt werden. Fehler EBAB03F1: Der angegebene Netzwerkname ist nicht mehr verfügbar.
Details: 0xEBAB0005
Quelle: Norton Ghost



It started that the networkdrive had no more space. We deleted old files (beginning of the year) because it seemed that norton didn´t cleaned up - perhaps misconfiged...


Can someone explain me the errors above?

Hopefully this is translated correctly:

Error EC8F17B7: Points of re-establishment cannot be provided for order: Drive assembly Backup of (C:\), data (D:\). Error E7D1001F: In file cannot be written. Error EBAB03F1: Time limit for the semaphores was reached. Error E7D10046: File size cannot be specified. Error EBAB03F1: The indicated network name is not available any longer.

I relied on Babelfish to translate.  The first error means Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive assembly Backup of (C:\), data (D:\).  This is the generic error what failed.  The next items are more specific for the failure.  At a high level it's due to a write failure (E7D1001F).  The reason for the write failue is a semaphore limit and the network location no longer being available.  Are you backing up to a SAN?