After getting the latest update, I am no longer able to access my identity safe. It tells me to login to my norton account but I keep getting an error that says
Network error is preventing access to your online account
I wish we were still able to store our identity safe data locally.
I am on NIS 2013 version I am trying to open the identity safe vault. It tells me that I need to login to a norton account in order to find a profile. I click the Login to Norton link and put my login information into the box and click sign in. That is when i get this error message. I have rebooted my machine a couple of times. If I open NIS and then click on the top item that says Account (between Feedback and Support) it opens my browser to my norton account already logged in. Do I need to sign off before closing the browser and the try again?
Then you need to sign into your online vault. Note, you may not have the Local Vault option available. Please note that this password is the "strong password" you set up when creating your vault. It is different from thepassowrd used to sign into you Norton Account.
Once you log into the Norton Account , you should not have to do that again for the screen shown directly above to display.
You should also see a "logged in as: email address" used for user name in Norton Account whenever you are logged into your Norton account displayed at the top of the main page of NIS.
There is no reason to sign out of your Norton Account before closing your browser.
Here is a little more info that hopefully will help resolve the issue. I went to another pc and logged into my norton online account just fine. I clicked the norton apps button in the upper right and selected identity safe. It brought up a prompt asking me to enter my vault password. I entered the password and it said validating password then it brought up a web page that said:
An unexpected error has occurred. If this issue persists please contact customer service.
I went back out and tried it again but this time I purposely used an incorrect password and it noticed right away that my password was incorrect. This is starting to get frustrating.
No I cannot access it that way. When I put the login information for my norton online account(before I even get to the vault login) is when i get that error message.
I also forgot to mention that I didn't sign out of my norton account. In facet I was using the vault this morning. Came back after lunch and opened a browser window and it said the vault was closed. When I clicked it didn't prompt me for the vault password but brought up the box saying to login to my norton online account
In order to avoid confusion for myself and others lets refer to what yu are calling the Norton online account as just the "Norton Account" and your ID Safe online Vault as the "vault."
I have done some testing on my win 7 system and found the following when I try to log into my vault via the Norton Account using the Norton Apps dropdown as you described: The correct passowrd does not work and gives an error page. As does the incorrect password. Also when clicking the Show Hint, I get this:
It even shows this:
which I think is pretty funny. The NTB says the Vault is closed, but there is an option in the drop down to Close Vault ??? Normally if Close Vault is available, the NTB says Vault Open.
I just rechecked again via the Norton Apps > Idnetity Safe dropdown and the password login and show hint work properly. It seems like there may be some changes being made or testing being done in that area??
Can you try agina using the Norton App dropdown in Norton Account?
It is working now. I didn't even get a prompt to login to the norton account. It asked for the vault password and it took and all is well again. Thanks for your efforts in helping me try to troubleshoot this.