New Ccleaner # 5.38.6357

New Ccleaner #  5.38.6357 has been released for more info and to download go to (link is external)  10.5 mb in size. WATCH for the adon Avast/Chrome download window check box!!!!! Note the slim version with out the ad on will be available in a few days System Requirements Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.  

Release Notes

v5.38.6357 (12 Dec 2017)

Browser Cleaning
- Edge: Session clean no longer removes set-aside tabs
- Chrome: Added support for cleaning cookies from Local Storage

- Chrome Local Storage Cookies can now be managed from Cookie Manager

- CCleaner no longer cleans the list of files waiting to be renamed

- Fixed 'Error opening file for writing' error

- Fixed a library dependency that was preventing CCleaner from opening on Windows XP in some cases
- Fixed a rare case where CCleaner could check for updates multiple times in a short space of time