I've just purchased premium and been given http://buy-download.norton.com/downloads/2015/22.5/NS/US/NS-TW22.5.0-EN-US.exe but can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone help?
Hello Carolyn Griffin
Do you still have Norton Systemworks still installed in your computer? I see you clicked on systemworks as a Label. If you do still have systemworks installed, that will have to be uninstalled first before you try installing Norton Security Premium.
I'm not sure that the if the Remove and Reinstall Tool will still work for such an old program. It's been a while since I have had to use the tool.
Norton Systemworks is no longer supported. Even if it was supported, it would still need to be uninstalled because it is a different type of program.
What operating system are you using?
Not sure what is wrong with your link, other than it links to quite an old version. Maybe it is not longer available. Where did you purchase your Norton Premium?
This link should get you an almost up to date copy of Norton Security Premium www.norton.com/latestnsbu
Be sure you run LiveUpdate manually a few times, restarting as necessary, until no updates are available.