New Laptop--I want to restore files from my old Back up

My old laptop's hard drive crashed.  I just bought a new laptop and have started setting it up.  I activivated my account on this new computer and went to run the "Restore Files" command at the Norton site.  When I try to look for my backup sets, its tells me "No backup sets found".  My old computer was doing backups (I saw the icons indicated when files were backed up).  Any ideas on why my backups can't bge found?

Hello pazulskt,


 Which product are you using for your online backup services: Norton 360 or Norton Online Backup?



pazulskt wrote:

My old laptop's hard drive crashed.  I just bought a new laptop and have started setting it up.  I activivated my account on this new computer and went to run the "Restore Files" command at the Norton site.  When I try to look for my backup sets, its tells me "No backup sets found".  My old computer was doing backups (I saw the icons indicated when files were backed up).  Any ideas on why my backups can't bge found?


did you ever find a fix?

Not that he has made aware to anyone unless he contacted support without updating the forum post. I didn't get further info to help beyond what you see in this post.

I have had the exact same problem. Contacted support several times and eventually had to give them permission to access my files and determined best way to re-store my  files to my new computer. Here I am three weeks later and still have not heard word one back from support as to what and if they are doing anything to help me out. When I go to On-line backup can see the space and history of my old files are there but says not on line so can't access the files myself. Sucks!



Please provide some additional details so we can assist you.


  • Did you completely change computers and are now trying to restore data to a new one?
  • Does that old computer still exist and is it up and running?
  • Have you installed a new end point aka Computer on the new computer yet?