New location detected on my yahoo account after loading Norton wifi protection software, worried!

i keep receiving messages telling me that a new time zone has been detected on my account and do I want to adopt it. This first occurred straight after I loaded Norton wifi protection software is it possible someone else now has access to my account / computer?

Just be cautious that Norton Wifi Privacy does not change the virtual location next time you start your computer. Then you will get another message, and you could get your Yahoo account locked.

Remember that even if you choose a virtual location country, there is no guarantee that the same server will be used each time. Example, I set NWP to United States. One time I connect it will connect to a server in New York, next time it is in Seattle.

Most email providers now use secure/encrypted ports. So you do not really need the VPN while you are at home. 


I'm hopeful this comment does solve my issue / thread.

I receive a message describing an attempt to access to my account originating from a differing country, and the message refers to a location in Amsterdam Holland.

The notification messages I receive that describe a different location has been detected, also indicates Amsterdam Holland as the detected location, & I've only seen this since loading the Norton wifi VPN protection, so I'm interpreting the consistency to confirm the alternate location notification I receive is a message generated through yahoo identifying the virtual location. 

This is consistent with the forum thread reply, and serves to reduce my anxiety regarding the messages.

I'd rather not turn off the VPN protection, and will accommodate the messages rather then remove them.

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards,





Using a VPN product like Norton Wifi Privacy, NWP, makes your connection 'appear' to be from some other location than your actual location. That virtual location is what the Yahoo servers see as your location. If Yahoo expects your account access to be from the US, then all of a sudden it sees a connection from the UK, the security features at Yahoo kick in, in case it is someone trying to hack your account. I see the same thing with my Gmail accounts, and I have to verify it was me trying to access my email.

What I do is turn off NWP when I want to access my email.