I own a 10 user account for Norton 360 Premium
I logged in today to one of my computers to find it had changed from the standard four box yellow format to green. This was without notice not even a courtesy email. I became suspicious when I was then unable to sign in to my account from this site. ( I could sign in direct from the web) I contacted support and as usual most helpful, but clearly at a loss with this problem after about an hour of wasted time he said it would be referred to the engineers to create a patch which would be available within 48 hours. After a further pause he informed me that he had established that a number of customers had the same problem.
I have subsequently checked my other computers including XP, Win 7, Win 8. Each of them I had to manually update. Some had me automatically checked in as an account holder, but after signing out it was impossible to re sign in. Furthermore as I live in Australia my day is 1 July and all the up date security runs showed 30 June. - except the Win 7 which showed it as "current"
No amount of up dating and restarting would change it on the other computers.
Norton, this is not good enough, these are trivial issues which should have been sorted out prior to unleashing this so called improvement. Oh yes and they have put a stronger filter on MS Outlook and as a result - (by good fortune I looked), and have found a substantial number of my "news feeds" are now in Junk mail meaning I have to go through the palaver of adding them to safe sender lists!!