New Norton Community

It seems Norton does not do much testing when making changes. With the new community forum (which by the way, in my opinion , is worse than the old) if one opens Norton 360, clicks on the HELP tab and then clicks on the NORTON COMMUNITY tab, one is greeted with OOPS, PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND error. It does load a messy alternate page though. Please fix. Also, in future please test, test, test and test again THEN release new versions of products.

I understand your frustration with the links not getting updated at the same time that the new forum software went live. There were delays in getting the new site live, so there was no way to know exactly when to change the links.

I’ll escalate this thread so that the 360 team can update the link in the 360 product.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Thanks peterweb. I look forward to it.

I too had the same problem when Norton changed the format of Community Forum. By the way I am not a fan of this new changed format. I prefer the old format…was easier to navigate in my opinion. What happened to the old adage, if something isn’t broken…don’t fix it! It was fine the way if was. If Norton is going to redesign the Forum page a heads-up announcing coming changes would be a nice courtesy to extend to users who are in the middle of dialogues with others. Also the link should be in place at the same time the new page is launched.

But els add it to the communety feedback so they can fix it the recent views dont works it cant add numbers right i allso hope they fix that bug soon if 3 number is add it can still bee on the same number i hope they soon fix that

Bump! I see they did not fix this annoying bug in the update. How hard can this be? Disappointing customer care. Please fix.

Well here I am again. I am now on V24 of Norton 360 and guess what? I am still getting the error message when I access the community forum, now accessed through the Search tab on V24. The issue was never fixed on he old version. How hard can it be to code the correct URL for our Norton Community? Please fix it this century.

We’ll try to call attention:
Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

Thanks BJM. That’s exactly the problem. Previously you did ask them to escalate the issue but to no avail. Why would they ignore this simple fix??

@peterweb appears to have asked [here]

Maybe, in August New Community staff was busy. Maybe, in August v24 team was busy. Maybe, @peterweb bump was overlooked. Sorry!

Thank you for notifying us. We have fixed this issue. Thank you.