Hello Folks Richard here
like the title,I am brand new here. I consider myself barely a notch above novice and you will see me stumbling around while I familiarize myself...your patience is appreciated.
my question stems from "Ransomware" Win7 and a notice I found buried in the "advanced" user settings of Norton 2015.
In the past two years or more I have encountered ransomware probably 3 times while running McKaffee,the first time scared the bejeezuz outta me as I was locked out and had no other means to access the net for help,I did however find my way with a simple sys restore ,norton says sysrestore incomplete warning will display unless norton temporarily disabled during restore process.this has led to several concerns, as I am now running Norton 2015 and knowing myself I believe I am sure to encounter this problem again. so will my past qwikfix work or am I faced with another set of problems due to norton affecting sys restore? I have scoured the net for info on this but most of it advocates downloading additional malware removal tools and software, not what I prefer. also being novice I have always run my machine in win AdminAcc rather than as a standard user acc. more on that in a sec. AS unorthodox as it sounds I have found when i got locked out the best thing was to pull the plug asap or dump the battery as the lockout also affects shutdown. AS most of you probably know powering up after power "failure' automatically takes you a config or restore page with several options including degbug, sysrestore,launch windows normally etc...and if I encounter this ransomware again, I will surely be in win/stanardusr/account.when I pull the plug, does change things..................I realize there are several questions embedded into the general one however ,inquiring minds need to know lol.......any and all help would be greatly appreciated!! reply here or to my e-mail
ps. I installed the Norton trial about 10 days ago and aside from a weird toolbar issue
I could not be happier although the initial install made me a bit nervous as it wanted to make so many changes EG rootkit,also found and 1400 suspicious files (200)sever. I'm a buyer and happy to be back wth NORTON thanks again