new version forces you to be online to do full scan???

first I never asked my old , completely fine version of Norton internet security to update itself to the new version. somehow it suddenly downloaded and now I have v22.5.0.124 which in my opinion is nothing more than a glorified cell phone app. it sucks. it is overly simplified to the point of absurdity. now when I go to run a full system scan it yells at me and says I MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET OR IT WILL ONLY DO LIMITED SCANS!!!

what absolute horse manure! why! Why Norton do I HAVE to be online to scan my gdamn computer fully?  if I wanted an online antivirus package I would have bought one. bad enough you pop up ads saying stuff like gee we see youre running windows 7.. thinking about upgrading to windows 10? we can help! yay! wow... I mean... wow. ive ben a Norton user for ages. I stuck with Norton through some really bad releases before but this is just too much. how can I do full system scans offline? if I cant then you can color me an EX Norton user at subscription end.