Hi everyone,
today I received NF, I rebooted pc and I still experience problems…
- No sites logged
- Random slow navigation every ten minutes
- Ping >75 ms (with NF ping was >150 ms)
Hoping for a new patch…
I followed exactly your instructions but the result is always the same: Logon to NF fails with the error message "Norton Family is already installed on this computer".
Very, very poor!!!
Hi Gerhard-Hbg,
Where do you try to log onto the Norton Family website from https://onlinefamily.norton.com/familysafety/loginStart.fs or Norton 360 or NIS?
KatieQ wrote:Hi Axios,
Thanks for the update. Have you tried to get the latest Norton Family client by following the instructions at http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Family/Update-from-Norton-Family-Team-Regarding-Recent-Issues/td-p/860462 ?
Thanks for the reply.
I have NIS 2012 installed on the first pc and NIS 2013 on the second pc.
I tried to unistall and reinstall NF but sites are still not logged.
NF block sites, I can access to NF site but he show that my son is not connected so NF no log sites.
Now ping is 65 ms, is not 25 ms as normal but is no more >180 ms and this is a good news.
Hi Axios,
Thanks for the post. Norton Family is recording the logs and saved them on the backend servers correctly. It will take a while for the logs to be sent up on the website for the parents to review at the moment as there are lots of logs pending. Thanks for your patience.
For the logging issue, please make sure the child's account has been configured to be monitored.
If you're interested in having a remote session, I'll be more than happy to setup one for you. Please send me a private message for details.
Hi everyone,
today I received NF, I rebooted pc and I still experience problems…
- No sites logged
- Random slow navigation every ten minutes
- Ping >75 ms (with NF ping was >150 ms)
Hoping for a new patch…
Update: in the last two hours suddently appeared sites logged on 27 November.
NF still shows no pc connected.
Thanks to Symantec Staff for working to solve the problem.
Waiting for total working site.
just spent over an hour with a Norton Support person on the phone and on-line. We worked on a very minor issue with NIS for a few minutes but devoted most of the time to Norton Family Safety connective issues with the server. He contacted higher level support and they told me to wait another week .Hope it is solved soon. I've been without monitoring and filtering since November 11th. Not the kind of technical expertise that built Norton into the dominant security provider in the last few years. It would be major news if Google accounts could not sync up for 20 days or more!
Hi Axios,
You mentioned "NF still shows no pc connected". Could you help us to understand this better by providing some details? Where do you see the PC is not connected?
I'm having exactly the same problem. Read the posts in the other threads! My response to kg
No devices listed on the server side, do to failed sync issues from the client. Your code has loops in it from the failed syncs, prompting for logins over and over. Can be verified on the client as well, by going to view rules and getting blank page.
UPDATE: now I have sites logged on 2 December… still missing 3 December and missing also green icon on child avatar on NF site
NOW NF is working for me: green icon on avatar, sites logged, all is OK!
Thanks Symantec!