Different day, same issues. Has been going for so long now, it's practically a running joke in the family. I have to block things off the router and syslog to have any sense of comfort.
Does not log all the time a child uses the computer.
Does not abide by the time restrictions.
Child can login for 1 min increments forever.
Been reinstalled so many times I can't count. Not an issue for most of the summer, but now school is back in - really need this to work.
On a side note, I'm curious if Symantec is extending everyone's subscription they paid good money for.
I have had the same problems as many people on the threads - all my information was lost about 12 days ago when the update took effect. I can't link my child with my device either using the new website or the old. I get error messages and "try back later" every time I try to link a device to a child. This has been going on for over two weeks and you guys keep saying you are working on it! I agree with some others on here that we deserve an update! I've uninstalled and reinstalled twice now and it's still not working!
For the android where the text is not recorded, can you provide the following information
Are activities not shown for last 30 days? or any specific time frame where activities are not shown?
If the Samsung phone is the same as the other one that is working well? The Device Manufacturer and model.
I assume you have the latest Norton Family on the phone. To check, please go to your Android device, click Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications -> Norton Family.
What version of Android is running on the device? To determine what version is running on your device, select Apps > Settings > About phone or About tablet.
Please show us screen shots about the issue.
Instructions to post screenshots can be found here
I have had to switch to the old website to see things. Currently I am unable to see texting on only one phone. The other child’s info has been updating and I can see everything on his phone if I use the old website.
So now I just need help seeing my sons texting.
if you cannot see activities for any of his children?
Are activities not shown for last 30 days? or any specific time frame where activities are not shown?
Can you please check the activities in old portal to see if it makes any difference? To use the "old" portal: Please link https://family.norton.com/familysafety/ and click on “Continue to Old Website” link. You can use a different browser if you don't get the option to switch between the "old" and "new" website.
Please show us screen shots about the issue.
Instructions to post screenshots can be found here
I assume you have seen the activities before. If so, can you please send me your Norton Family account email address by private message via the forum by clicking Inbox at upper right hand corner?