NG 12 Error Mining..... / Error Injection.... Messages When Creating Custom SRD / A Workaround



I've been attempting to resolve these issues for hours on end.


In my case, I want to be able to restore my system (Vista Ultimate 64bit / Vista Ultimate 32Bit Dual Boot) from an external SATA II drive.


I have attempted along with Symantic support to resolve this, and after browsing around it seems that many others are experiencing similar problems.


Interestingly, NG 12 writes the backups TO the external sata drive without any problems, it only encounters difficulty when attempting to restore FROM the drive.


The only requirement I have for a custom SRD is to be able to restore from the SATA external drive.


If your situation is similar to mine guess what? If you can hook up your drives via USB prior to attempting a restore, the problem goes away. :smileyhappy:


I know it's a pain to have to shut system down, switch cables around, aside from the speed factors of USB versus

SATA II, however, hopefully restores won't be required too often.


Hope this helps others until Symantic can provide a solution to this issue.