NG 14 and dual external hard drives

Installed Norton Ghost 14 on my customer's Windows XP Pro system and updated with latest updates. I have 2 external USB hard drives to back up to. The drives are named Black and Blue. I want to do a full backup (not incremental) each night at 11pm and swap the drives each day. Then one drive goes off-site at night. The problem is that NG has assigned an alias name to the drives and it wouldn't let me give both drives the same name nor would it let me skip over giving the drive an alias. So I set up a backup job to Blue but it says the destination is not available when Black is connected. I don't think there is a way to work around this with scheduling because I want the backup to run even if the drive didn't get changed out. Besides Blue will be used on MWF one week and then on TuTh the next week and Black will be connected TuTh and then MWF. It appears that the off-site backup option would have me leaving one drive connected all the time for the main backup and connecting the other drive during the day and Ghost is supposed to automatically duplicate the backup to it. This seems to be unnecessarily complicated and has too much chance of not working or bogging down the system. Since I won't be on-site to monitor the backups, I need it to be as reliable and simple for the operator as possible. Any ideas?


Message Edited by cliffh on 01-29-2009 07:00 PM