Hi all,
If this is a dumb newbie question, I apologize. I just bought NG15 and I can't believe what I'm seeing. Please help if you can.
My PC is Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. NG15 SP1. I have two hard drives: system on C: (2TB) and original partially failed system (1TB) on F:. My backup drive is on USB and is 2TB.
I don't have room on the backup drive to do image backups and no coin to buy another one.
I don't want to ever back up anything that's on F: (it's unreliable and only there to grab the odd file left over from when it was system drive). How do tell NG "Don't backup anything on F: ever"?
I have a bunch (300+) of movies that I don't ever want to backup (I have the original DVDs). How do I tell NG "Don't ever back up any of the files in the movie folder"?
Thanks for your help.