Nowadays NIS 18.5 is unable to submit a SONAR detected sample of unknown to black and (white) list item.
Is there Norton stops to collect the files recognized as malware (suspicious) by SONAR (and some by Download Insight - WSReputation.1, Suspicious.Cloud.2;5, etc.)?
Do You know why (officially) F-secure won in whole year AV products tests?
Summary Reports:
Interview AV-Comparatives Mika Stahlberg VP F-Secure Labs
Whey just dramatically improve their behaviour-based engine detection. More such samples detailly analyzed in Laboratory - more known blacklisted malware and more known infection mechanisms regognized and then known to Laboratory.
Are Symantec want to keep their Products Up-To-Date and takes one of first places of malware intrusion prevention detection? Why latest Norton 2011 did not help in it? I do not have any logical answer.
Even more: I can't submit this file manually via NIS product: such item is just absent
And about 2 weeks after my discovery of this file Norton still have no virus definition on it and file is not whitelisted - nothing happening.