My comp: Intel Dual Core E2140 processor and WD 160 HDD SATA2 (of 2008 year manufactured) with 40 GB of C drive and 14 GBs of it was free. On that C drive I have 1.1 GB exe-file. 1 GB of 3 GB DDR2 RAM was used. During all Norton's operations no CPU was loaded (by Norton too), no additional RAM was used (by Norton too), only HDD was overloaded and I can't operate with my computer - every programs was freezed cause of Norton.
First time
when I access it Norton freez up my computer for a long period (BUG No. 1) and remove this file (not moved to quarantine) (BUG No. 2). Name of the threat is WS.Reputation.1.
I open "Signature Exclusions" list and add WS.Reputation.1 into that list. after that computer was restarted several times.
Today, Second time
I download it again and it stays downloaded for a few hours. Then I access it again Norton freez up my computer again - system tray time was freezed too on the 23:13 and then computer became operating again system time was 23:27. 13-14 minutes freeze!
I open again "Signature Exclusions" list again and saw that WS.Reputation.1 was listed there.
BUG No.3: Signature is listed and Norton delete files USING EXCLUDED SIGNATURE.
What is the f*** with Norton???? freezing computer, removing files without any backup abilities, excluded signatures list is not working...
Stop childrens from programming AV engines!
Thanks for problems to download file again and wasting time for search it again and for writing that message!
When will be normal operating Norton? I am not about super-Norton, just make it at least normal! It having many critical bugs...
Win XP Pro SP3, 32bit.
NIS 2012 (