NIS - problems excluding files

Hello community,


I uninstalled NIS yesterday, as I noticed that upon a Full System Scan previously scanned 4 files that are known good were flagged as a Trogan Gen 2 and I had to manually exclude them from Quarantine again. Very strange, because those same files were marked as a WS.Reputation 1 when I originally loaded them onto my system.


I uninstalled normally using add/remove programs (XP/SP3) and then ran the Norton Removal Tool twice, latest revision.


Rebooted and used the 20.x installer for which installed smoothly. Performed a LU to have all updates. Ran another Full System Scan and the same files were again marked as a Trogan Gen 2. Had to exclude again. However, looking under setting for Scans, there is no record of exclusion for any of the files, just like before the new install.


Strange. When I restored each file from Quarantine, the check box to exclude these files from future scans were checked off and the restore said "success." One file however, did not restore cleanly as NIS asked me where I should place the file and gave me a directory tree - in other words, it forgot where it marked it in the first place.


If these files are manually excluded, shouldn't there be a entry under Computer -> Antivirus and SONAR exclusions, under configure? There are 3 places to look for exclusions that I know of and I went to each one -


- Items to exclude from scans

- Items to exclude from auto-protect, SONAR, and Download Intelligence Detection

- Signatures to exclude from all detections


None of them have the files listed!


I'm clueless as to why.


I would also know if there is a way to just have a partition scanned, i.e. the C drive and not the D drive?



