Hi guys was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have acquired.
I think I have a virus in my computer, however I keep getting the 8500 108 message from NIS when I try to run it, its a purchased version, not a pre-installed version.
The virus/spyware itself; when I think I originally contracted it, it reset my laptop itself, now I have a large red circle with a white cross in my icons tray on the bottom right. All Google search results when clicked revert to one of three advertisments in a new window, not navigating away from the search results. Any attempt to access the symantec website results in Google telling me that the address is incorrect (even though it is not) or the website no longer exists. the icon in the tray repeatedly tells me about downloading anti-spyware software, prevents is spelt as 'pervents' if that helps at all. None of either of my norton products will run (anti-virus and NIS) and even using the safe mode navw32 /L command they won't run, whereas before this method was always successful.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated,
Cheers, Grant