NIS 2008 and Vista private Network

Hi everybody, 


after installing NIS 2008 on Vista I have problems to see any device in network. Nor router nor NAS disk. The network is set to public network and any connections are blocked. Switching off the firewall does not help only deinstallation of NIS.Scanning various forums in the net it seems that this is not single problem but the only hint I got there is deinstallation.


At the moment my workaround is deactivate and activate the network connection. Then the computer receives its IP address from the router and the network switches from public to private network and everything is ok. I need to do this after every boot.


By the way I had two network cards installed but just was connected to the router. Now I connected both network cards to the router. After restart one card is connected to my private network (but it takes some time) the other is set to public network and is blocked. 


Any hints, advices are welcome. 


Best regards 

