Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Running version installed this afternoon about 2 PM.
The computer was bought with Vista
What version have you been running over the past several months? Have you installed SP 1 for Vista yet and if so, was NIS installed at that time?
Let me correct one thing, it is not a DNS problem screen.
The display is IE cannot display web page
I installed NIS2007 when I bought the computer about a year ago, upgraded to NIS2008 approx 5 months ago.
Since I have uninstalled and reinstalled from your download site so many times, I'm not sure which version was installed when.
Is there some means of discovering?
SP1 was installed March of 2008, so NIS2008 was on the system at that time.
Vance, it does sound like the problems that you are having may have started around the time that you installed Vista SP1. There is an issue with the XP SP3 upgrade that can occur with the Vista SP1 upgrade as well, although, not as frequently. Can you try following instructions listed in this post for users that have already applied the SP3 upgrade and tell me if any keys are reported and if it seems to help? This is really kind of a shot in the dark but I've seen a lot of inexplicable symptoms occur due to this problem.
Edit: clarified post a little.
downloaded and ran symregfix, it did not find anything.
went to regedit in safe mode, did search for $%&, it did not find anything.
can tell you that IE has been denied at least 10 times today.
do you have some diagnostic tool that I could run to help discover what's going on.
by the way, It's my opinion that Symantec has migrated to much of 360 into NIS2008, tried it early 2007, late 2006, found I could not set its controls as easily, nor expect it to maintain them, left 9/10 months on the subscription, and went back to NIS.
Now NIS2008 looks and acts much like 360 back then.
Vance Felker
Again, the symptoms that you are experiencing aren't familiar to me so I'm making some guesses here. For the IE connection problems, try deleting and re-creating the rules. The "blocked" messages aren't uncommon but you shouldn't be seeing them as much as you are. They do naturally occur sometimes for applications that don't have rules when your system is busy and IE has to retry its connection. I'm suspecting that you've received IE updates which invalidate your current rules and somehow new rules aren't being automatically created.
As far as the drivers not loading is concerned, I'm very baffled and don't know what more to suggest.
only thing that pops into my head as a i read this thread is i wonder if Vfelker has an infection of some type...... i've seen this before....
I understand what you're saying about new rules, but if that were the case shouldn't IE be blocked every time?
I have NIS Firewall set to "ask me what to do", but I am notified on very few of the attempts of programs trying to reach the internet.
I am not alerted to any of IE's attempts, however twice in the past 12 hours I was notified that mcupdate was attempting to connect,NIS recommended blocking, although it's set to allow.
I guess the point is NIS does not seem to consistantly apply the rule settings, regardless if it's NIS rules or user set rules.
I've used NIS for years, and had learned that after certain updates that it needed to be reminded of rules, but this sure seems to go beyond that.
If you have any idea of what I might look for Please advise. Scan does not discover anything.
It may also be a good idea to contact our Customer Support team through the product’s Help & Support link. Or you can visit the below site to contact our free Customer Support:
If you have already done this and they could not resolve your issue, please let us know. Since they are able to remotely connect to your system to see the problem, this might be a better solution. Thanks!
I have been having the same problems for several months. First, about 50% of the time NIS blocks Internet Explorer logging "this one time user has choosen to block communications", although Firewall settings are to Allow. Monitor displays the DNS problem screen, I prompt Windows to diagnose, comes back no problems, hit page refresh and IE connects.
The other problem is that every 2 or 3 weeks SYMTDI fails to start, blocking internet access altogether. I have searched event logs for some cause, but haven't found any. So, I uninstall NIS, and then reinstall. Each time during the uninstall process, as soon as the Symantec Network Drivers are uninstalled,and before the NIS uninstall is completed, the internet connection is restored. I am certainly not a computer Guru, and do not know if there is a simple setting that is incorrect, but thought I would put these problems in front of persons with more knowledge than myself. Can someone explain/help?
I am running Vista Home Premium
Andy / Reese,
The blocking of IE seems to have decreased with some changes I made.
But, yesterday evening SYMTDI failed to start again, did the uninstall/reinstall this AM.
Can someone inform me what SYMTDI depends on to start, so I might do some discovery.
Vance, prior to your most recent message I had already been trying to determine the potential causes for SYMTDI failing, or, ways to determine the actual culprit. I'm still working on it but the causes could be numerous and nothing will generally be logged to assist in the diagnosis. Since the problem isn't 100% reproducible, it probably would be hard to analyze by giving you an instrumented build too. I may wish to work with you more directly in the future if you're up for it though.
Can you report the version number that is listed in the SYMTDI.SYS file that is on your system? If we give you a test version we would want to make it the same version.
SYMTDI file version is
Been reading the problem folks are having with the Framework while scanning, had much the same thing back in January for a while.
Techs up there assumed the problem was the file that the NIS control panel was displaying when it locked up.
Wish I was for sure how I corrected, had a couple of different problems back then, and I'm not sure what I applied to which ones
Does Symantec attempt to phone home at some point while the scanner is running?
Lucomserver isn't supposed to hit the internet every hour is it? even when live update is turned off!
Theres also times that ccSvcHst pounds the internet.
Before we go any further with SYMTDI, here's the setup.
Problem desktop running Vista home premium wired into a Netgear router WGR614v7, XP laptop connected wirelessly, also runs NIS2008, no real problems.
Problem could be SYMTDI, but could be a long list of other things, I see items in event logs, but nothing consistant with every failure.
Guidance ??
Also, something keeps stealing my start menu internet link from IE, does NIS do this?
I've been asking around and there's a couple of things that you can look at now, but until the problem reoccurs there's not much that we can do to better stand that problem.
One note, though, the latest version of SymTDI (8.0.2) has a change that will not block your network traffic if the drivers fail to load...
What you can do now:
- Look at the system logs for any clues about why SymTDI failed to load
- Send me, via e-mail, the files that you have in C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SymNetDrv\. This may help us diagnose some of your rule problems. Zip them up and password encrypt them. Provide the password in the text of the message.
What you can do when the problem reoccurs:
- Determine the version of sevinst.exe that is on the system
- Export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Symtdi section of the registry
- Export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GroupOrderList\PNP_TDI section of the registry
- Export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SymEvent section of the registry
For these last items, you may wish to gather the information while everything is working so that we can have something to compare to if things break again.
I don’t have any immediate ideas about what the problem may be, but, the firewall code is significantly different for Vista between the original 2008 release and the 2008.5 release. Which version do you have? Also, what operating system was this originally installed upon?