NIS 2008 will not start

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Thanks for the suggestions, but as I said, other posts in the forum indicate that the removal tool doesn’t solve this issue.  Also, purchase of NIS08 is already made and customer is using #3 of the 3 licenses on this machine.  Unless you can verify that NIS09 installation will SOLVE this problem, rebuying is not a reasonable option.  I am looking for a solution to fix the NIS08 startup problem.

Your current license is good for NIS 2009 also. The Norton removal tool works for me all the time. I have used it several times. What other security products are installed? What other programs are in the start tab in "msconfig". What happens when you disable all start up items except Norton? 

Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 09-28-2008 09:44 PM

Please try to uninstall Norton first through the regular way. the NRT tool could do harm when just too many times

NRT doesn’t remove the licensing data.  Moreover, Symantec is very flexible about multiple installs.  And when they do get blocked, there is immediate help (24/7) and if you have a good explanation, they will unblock you.

mijcar wrote:
NRT doesn't remove the licensing data.  Moreover, Symantec is very flexible about multiple installs.  And when they do get blocked, there is immediate help (24/7) and if you have a good explanation, they will unblock you.

I did not mean to say that the NRT tool would delete your license data but too many time use of it could do more harm than goodness to your machines apps

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Revo Uninstaller in Advanced Mode works great also. Just do not reboot when Norton says so. Click next on revo and delete the left over registry and program entries it finds.

Dieselman743 wrote:

Revo Uninstaller in Advanced Mode works great also. Just do not reboot when Norton says so. Click next on revo and delete the left over registry and program entries it finds.

That's a fine solution as well. Thanx Dieselman

I actually use Revo all the time. Never lets me down.

I was hoping to get a reply from someone at Symantec support who might be able to tell me a detailed repair for this issue.



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For those who suggested upgrading to NIS2009:  Is there any reason you expect that 2009 will run after having uninstalled and reinstalled NIS2008 twice with no help?



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NIS 2009 is compeletly different from the ground up. Its alot better then 2008. So give it a wirl.

As you can see, the community has various opinions about running or not running the NRT.  Since I have Ghost as well as NIS2008, I don't want to run the removal tool and go through the entire reinstall and update (again!) unless someone can verify that it will solve the problem.  Other posts indicate the removal tool and reinstall did not change the symptom of not being able to start NIS2008.


Is anyone from the Symantec team watching this?  I'd like to get input from someone there.



I did not know you had Ghost so do not use the NRT. Please try uninstalling NIS 2008 amd rebooting. Clean up any left over files and then install NIS 2009.

irashapiro wrote:
Is anyone from the Symantec team watching this?  I'd like to get input from someone there.

The advice given regarding updating to Norton Internet Security 2009 is great advice. Without more detailed log information for your specific situation, it is difficult to identify a cause. However, the latest version of this software has many fixes and updates that resolve many issues. Additionally, I would not recommend using the Norton Removal Tool unless you have a failed installation/uninstallation, and you have the physical media and keys to install the other Norton software again.

Tony, thank you for verifying that NIS2009 is the proper next step.  I'll post back with my results.  Also, sorry for the multiple posts; that wasn't really intended.  I was searching for any forum entries that sounded similar to my problem and the dialog then became a duplication.  I'll stick to this thread for my issue.


What is the proper source to download the NIS2009 file so I can install it and have it pick up the existing license of NIS2008?


I'm a consultant and have installed hundreds of copies of Norton Internet Security 2008 (NIS08).  The last machine I tried this on (Win XP Pro at SP2) had Norton 360 (N360) on it (ver 1 I believe).  For a variety of reasons, I didn't like the way N360 was working for this business customer and decided to switch to NIS08.  I uninstalled N360 and rebooted.  I installed NIS08 from CD with no problems and rebooted.  The protection center icon with red X appeared in the systray as usual since live update (LU) hadn't yet run.  When I went to open the program to do some settings and make sure LU was running, nothing happened other than a brief hourglass.  I tried opening from Start-Programs with the same result.


Next, I opened Norton Ghost which has been running fine on this machine for well over a year (ver 10).  I ran Live Update from withing the Ghost program.  The LU ran as expected and listed both the Ghost and NIS08 components.  This update session completed without error and now my NIS08 protection center icon had the expected green check.  But, the program still wouldn't open.


I didn't find anything about this in the Symantec Support Knowledge Base so I started a Chat session.  The technician connected to the machine and checked services and numerous other items.  He ran certain components of NIS08 from Windows File Manager but could not get the interface to open.  He said we'd have to uninstall/reinstall (I was expecting but dreading that as the uninstall, re-install and LU takes well over an hour).  But, I allowed this since I had no other ideas.  It did take over an hour with reboots and reconnections to the chat.  When the tech last tried to open the program, it still did not open.  I have to hope that it wasn't on purpose, but he started another reboot (without telling me, whereas he warned me about all the other reboots we did).  When the system restarted, the chat did not auto-connect and the reconnect chat code I was supplied no longer worked (we actually used it successfully a couple of times during the session).  I haven't received the normal chat transcript either.


Following some of what I saw done during the session, I was able to open the NIS08 options interface using Win file manager.  I set the settings I wanted including a scheduled scan.  I tested the scan and it does work.  I believe the system is well protected, but I still cannot open the program.


I've read one thread in this forum that talks about this issue with NIS07 but there was no solution posted in the forum.  In that thread, the Norton Removal tool and reinstall had been used by the author.  It did not help.  If I run the Norton removal tool, I will again need to install and update NIS08 as well as reinstall and setup Ghost.  I don't want to waste more hours if this will not solve the problems.


Is there a known answer to this issue?

To get the latest version of your product, please visit the Norton Update Center and select your current product and version. It will display the most current available update. Thanks!

I downloaded and installed NIS2009.  It successfully uninstalled the NIS2008 and after installation, the user interface opens properly.


Thanks to all who helped here.  I'd love to know what was wrong with the NIS2008, but this solution is fine.



Try uisng the Norton Removal tool when uninstalling any Norton product. Also NIS 2009 is out and your better off using that.