NIS 2009 and IE 7 'not responding'

Hi, there.  I've been reading the other IE7 related posts, but none seems to have helped my situation.


After hearing a lot of good things about NIS2009, I decided to download the trial version to see how it would work for me in real-world conditions before I make a purchase.  I installed it on my desktop and laptop, both win xp32's, updated, and using IE7.  NIS2009 is already upgraded to


On my desktop, everything works fine. My laptop is another matter, tho.  Things are ok on the laptop except for IE7.  Every so often, a new execution of IE7 stops responding.  The tab label/title says 'connecting', and doesn't move out of that to a blank page (my default page).  I assumed that it might be the NIS toolbar, so I removed it from the display, and it still happens.  I also disabled 'browser protection', but t basically still happens.  It's not consistently the 1st time or the 5th time, it just happens at random (but often enough).


When this happens, I run IE again, and often it will push through to the blank page properly, but after opening and closing new IE windows it will happen again.


When I try running IE without any add-ons, things seem normal, no hitches at all.  The only add-on installed is the Google Toolbar.


When I try shutting down after the hang, I get wither 'autocomplete not responding' or 'circero...wndframe not responding'.  I think I fixed the circero thing by removing the Handwriting/Speech recognition thing from MS Office (read the solution from somewhere else), but even when I disable autocomplete in IE it still happens.


I'd really like to find out why this happens on the laptop as NIS2009 was the only antivir that cleaned that thing out (I managed to find 2 problems that my old antivir never found ever).  I can't rationally purchase it for the laptop if the trial version won't work on it properly.