NIS 2009: Auto_protect how to stop auto removals of FPs ??

Been happy..but now..Not happy... :(

I'm sure this has prolly come up before: I have just had "auto-removal" commited here on some really old, really innocent files :(

Sandboxieinstaller 3.24.exe =  old sandboxie installer: Sandboxie = trusted +++

Icesword.exe = older antirootkit ( been here for years )  = trusted

PITA really: not Quarantined..just wiped off ??

No apparent way to restore ??

No apparent way to"notify Symantec"


I bet this has been asked before, but surely, there is some setting/notification to "warn before removal" ,or, "Quarantine not remove" ??


If auto removal is committed: how to recover these files which are blatant FPs ??

If this setting is not available...? game over for Symantec here
