Hi all,
I have read in other threads about people getting Symantec System Framework errors and the work around being to disable email scanning. I am having what I assume is a related problem. First, a bit about my setup. I have an Intel Pentium 4 PC with 1 GB RAM. NIS 2009 is running - no other security software is currently running. I use Thunderbird as my email client and also have a POP3 email notifying Yahoo widget.
With NIS email scanning on, my email widget is unable to connect and read the number of new emails and Thunderbird tries to download new mail but never does. I do not get any error messages, Thunderbird just eventually stops trying. If I turn email scanning off, Thunderbird and the widget both work again. Any suggestions, or do I need to wait for the fix I've read is in the works? Any idea if said fix would work for the problem I'm experiencing? Thanks.