NIS 2009 Install on Windows Vista Ultimate

:smileywink: I've had an email from Norton for awhile offering a free upgrade from my NIS 2008 to NIS 2009.  I had visited this forum and saw a lot of issues so I waited until tonight to take the plunge.  I had had some subscription issues with the install of NIS 2008 so I was a little apprehensive about doing this.


:smileytongue: Long story short is that the install went as well as it could so I just thought it'd be nice to post my install steps as so many others had done.  It seems sometimes we have issues with this and sometimes we don't but this install went great.


1.       Downloaded the setup file from the email invitation

2.       Stopped Windows Defender

3.       Control Panel – Add Remove Programs – NIS 2008

             This brings up a Norton Uninstaller.  It uninstalls NIS 2008 AND  Live Update.

4.       Reboot as instructed.

5.       Control Panel – Add Remove Programs – Live Update Notice

6.       Rebooted again (just to be safe).

7.       Click the NIS 2009 Setup file from the desktop (or wherever you put it).

8.       The setup file will need the internet to download and install the program.  It went rather quickly

9.       Activate as prompted.  I logged in and my subscription still had 570 days left.  Sweet.


So thanks to all those that posted.  I got help from a lot of different posters.  As I read them I saw folks doing different things so whatever works that gets you there is fine.  So I thought I'd share my install with the group.