NIS 2009 Network Problems

After upgrading from NIS 2008 to 2009 on 2 computers on my LAN, one of them, a laptop, can no longer be pinged or browsed no matter how I set trust (the other one is fine). I even tried creating a manual rule to allow the other computer complete access but it does not help. This problem did not exist with NIS 2008. I also tried uninstalling all Symantec and Norton products with Norton uninstall utility (ran it twice per instructions) and reinstalled NIS 2009 on the problem computer, but still no luck. I contacted Symantec tech support chat and the technician connected to my computer and verified the problem. What makes this even weirder is I can successfully connect to the problem computer over the LAN using PC Anywhere, and am also able to run PCA file transfer and remote management.


There is no problem pinging or browsing other computers on LAN that still have NIS 2008.


I have also noticed that NIS 2009 View Home Network does not seem to update when I switch laptop from wired to wireless, even when I refresh. I have to manually add the wireless.