NIS 2009 Network Security Map Shows Several Unknown Connections


I have a question concerning NIS 2009 Network Security Map. Currently I have only one notebook computer and it is connected to a broadband cable modem at my "home". In the past I would often look at this map to check if my ip address would change because it was a convenience while looking at the logs in NIS.


Recently, I have noticed additions in my "wired network screen" of computers and possibly peripherals with similar IP addresses as mine. This is recently new and have not seen this occur before. Is this normal activity?


I am concerned that this is a security issue and want to resolve it as soon as possible. Could someone look at these screen shots[Below] and offer a solution on this please? or is this considered normal activity?


Also if it may help - I am running

Vista Home premium 32 Bit


This computers Network and sharing center settings are as follows:


  • Network: private
  • Access - local and internet
  • Connection - Local Area connection
  • Network Discovery: On
  • File Sharing: on
  • Public Folder Sharing: off
  • Printer sharing: off
  • Password protected sharing: on
  • Media Sharing: off


 Is this configuration proper by the way for a single home connection?


Captured screenshots [photobucket]


Shot 1


Shot 2


Shot 3

Message Edited by Insane_Shane on 01-06-2009 10:13 PM
Message Edited by Insane_Shane on 01-06-2009 10:16 PM