Hi Good pm good am! But im not in a good mood today.
Ive got a call from my gf that her laptop is acting strange. it cant connect to some sites (legitimate ones) and said there was norton popup error. (im the one who recommended her to buy NIS for WORRY FREE internet life)
I take a look at it and it seems nothings wrong in the hardware so theres something screwing up the system. No malwares also. ets jsut say am not a noob in computers to make it short. im the one maintaining his softwares and evidently it was the security suite screwing it up. i uninstalled it, norton removal check and then reinstalled the last version then there were problems, slowdowns and finally it was solved.
Dont know what your problem is norton but next time please before you release major updates see it first that it should not compromise your customers. yeah it just took 1 hour of my life diagnosing the problem you created but taht 1hour should be gone to something more productive since we are paying for it.
Gee 2009 was your best version as a technical person but im really not impressed how you manage things like this. an update that cripples systems.
thsi is my first post so next time please have final build testers first before releasing it to all. ordinary persons doesnt want to be beta testers!