As a long-time user of Norton Internet, I have always been happy with the results. I've never acquired a virus.(knock on wood),
but it was an annual chore (requiring gritting of teeth and girding of loins) to install the latest version. It seemed to be a process
much like stuffing a basketball into a sock.
This download was so slick, that I thought for a minute that it had failed. It took me a few moments of confusion to work up
the nerve to poke at it to see what I had. It's great! I have a nice little collection in quarantine already, some from e-mail (no, I don't
open anything carelessly, Norton whacked it on its way in), some from Limewire, and a couple from who knows where (nobody will admit to knowing anything about it). I have had no program conflicts at all, and I run a lot of programs.
I really like the idle time scans. It fits my lifestyle vastly better than a hour or so scheduled scan. The pulse downloads
are imperceptible on my machine. I run XP3 on a dual core, Firefox, Thunderbird, Linkscanner, and Adaware. I keep Windows updated, but I pick and choose. I'm not fond of Microsoft software offerings, even the letters are coming off my MS ergonomic
I will be picking up my new NIS 2009 tonight before everybody in town finds out how good it is.