NIS 2009 update wrecked my OS

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Last night I recieved an notice that 2009 was available to me as a part of my subscription.


I allowed it to install and all seemed to be fine untill I went to restart. The system would get all the way to the desktop screen then just hang. No disk activity, mouse cursor froze.


I eventually had to fall back to a system restore point to get the system to respond. Now my previous version 2008 fails to load and clicking on the icon does nothing.


I went to add remove programs to un-install and Im notified that it cannot find the file(s).


Now my system is quie unstable crashing at inconvienent times.


I might mention that I also run Zone Alarm Pro which now says there is no antivirus installed.


Any help would be appreciated.


From :-UlteriorModem



Last night I recieved an notice that 2009 was available to me as a part of my subscription.






Hey buddy,I did not get this.... "Last night I recieved an notice that 2009 was available to me as a part of my subscription"

How did it come...can you please describe?


Unless user tries to update an exiting product,i don't think symantec prompts to do so .

Hence my question is form where did that update message come?

reply so anyone on this community can help you..............otherwise solution from s0ulbAit  is there only !!!!!


It came as a 'live update notice' Paraphrasing it read "As a part of your subscription a new version of NIS is available. Click here for more info" the click took me to the page from where the update was available.


Great... the removal tool reminds me my install key is needed.


To get the install key "Start the NIS program... find the key there"


Well I cannot start the program... I click it and nothing happens. Furthermore in checking processes I see some remenants of Nis running in the background and Im getting "out of memory" errors while running tasks.

Message Edited by UlteriorModem on 10-11-2008 10:43 AM

 ""  Not sure if this will help or not, buy my neighbor had the same problem. To correct it, he uninstalled Zone Alarm Pro. Then he downloaded the Norton Removal Tool and ran it. Then he reinstalled NIS 2009 and everything works fine. He was having a conflict with the ZAP and NIS. ""


Are you saying you cannot run ZAP & NIS 2009 together?


Frankly Id rather have a functional firewall.


If at all possible I guess Ill re-install NIS2008 untill Zone Alarm has a fix available.

You cannot run two Security Products on one computer at any one time because of conflicts - which actually reduces your Protection.


You should have Created a Norton Account:

Floating_Red wrote:

You cannot run two Security Products on one computer at any one time because of conflicts...

  1. Uninstall Zone Alarm Pro. Keep your license key, if you want to use it on another computer, give it away, etc.
  2. Download the Norton Removal Tool:
  3. Run the Norton Removal Tool. Then Download the Norton Removal Tool for 2009 products:
  4. Download Norton Internet Security:
  5. It is a trial. You will need to activate with your 2008 product key after 15 days.
You should not run two firewalls or antiviruses at the same time. It is a well known rule of thumb. Hope this helps!


Upgrading instructions for Norton 2006 Products and Later:

01. Select your Product and Version, from the Web Link (above).

02. Save the Download on your Desktop.

03. Save your Product Key (

04. Go to Add/Remove.

05. Locate "Norton Internet Security (Symantec Corporation)" and click on "Remove".

06. Follow the instrctions and, when asked to, re-start your computer.

07. Locate to Add/Remove upon start-up.

08. Click on LiveUpdate and "Remove" and any other LiveUpdate.

09. If requested, re-start your computer.

10. Double-click on the Saved N.I.S./N.AV. File on your Desktop.

11. Follow the instructions.

12. Open Norton Internet Security or Norton AntiVirus and "Run [Norton] LiveUpdate" manually.

13. It is now Safe to Connect to the Internet again.

14. If you notice things not running right with N.I.S. 2009/N.AV. 2009, it may be a bug; please Post them here [in the Forum].

15. If you have Other Norton Products, then you can re-install LiveUpdate, or, if you have Used the N.R.T., you can re-install your Other Norton Product(s); if you do not have the Disc, then you can re-download it via the Trailware. Norton SystemWorks users have had a "Patch" Released so that Updates are received through Norton LiveUpdate, i.e. your Norton Internet Security 2009 Product.

16. If you have problems un-installing/installing, then use the Norton Removal Tool.

I removed Norton sucessfully using the removal tool, I found where I had placed the key although it wasent asked for.


I was then prompted to re-install norton and I choose 2008 version. It promptly downloaded the 2009 version and the cycle continues.


As to "Do not run two protection products" Zone alarm is specifically designed to work with / along side of many AV products Norton being specifically one of them. It worked along with 2008 for a year of so with no problems (once ZA updated their software).


This snafu happened last time when Norton upgraded to 2008 from 2007 however the consiquences were not quite as dire. Zone Alarm were quick to respond and had a fix in a couple of days.


I really dont understand why Zone alarm does not get the betas and check their product. You would think they would learn from past experience.


At any rate thank you for your assistance.


One last queston... How can I specifically download and install 2008 version. Now every time I re-start my machine it asks me if I want to install the 2009 version. Once burnt twice shy.

That is your choice to install two Anti-Virus Products, but, it will Reduce your Protection and that is the truth; whoever told you otherwise gave you the wrong information.


Just Ignore the Prompt to install N.I.S. 2009 until you have N.I.S. 2008 installed; then, once you have got N.I.S. 2008 installed, you can follow my instructions on Upgrading to N.I.S. 2009.

Zone Alarm is not an antivirus it is a software firewall.


I have been told over at the zone alarm site that their 'new' version will work with NIS2009.


Thanks for all the help.

What version of Zone Alarm are you using? Also why are you installed NIS when you already have a firewall? Zone Alarm Pro is a software firewall with anti spyware. NIS 2009 is a software firewall with anti virus and anti spyware. YOU CANNOT RUN 2 SOFTWARE FIREWALLS AT ONCE. Who told you you can? Now maybe NAV 2009 is compatible with Zone Alarm but not NIS. Also be sire you using the latest version of ZAP. Norton is not to blame for your problem.

Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-11-2008 12:49 PM

This is takin right from the Zone Alarm site. Read lines "7" and " 10".


Third-party Software
  1. Built in XP firewall prevents FTP - The built-in XP firewall can interfere with Zone Labs Security software handling of active FTP traffic. This may result in incoming FTP traffic being blocked by Zone Labs Security software. To solve this problem, either use passive FTP, or turn off the XP firewall. [8456]
  2. Alerts not forwarded from ICS gateway to client - When "Forward alerts from gateway to this computer" option is selected under ICS setup, alerts are sometimes not displayed on the ISC client computer. [8462]
  3. Single host computer networks automatically added to Internet Zone. - By design in ZoneAlarm Pro 3.7, detected networks with a subnet mask of are automatically added to the Internet Zone without the intervention of a New Network alert or Network Configuration Wizard. These networks consist only of the host computer itself. Such network detections normally occur when connecting to an ISP, either via dial-up or DSL connection. [8512]
  4. Windows Media Player v. 9 requires server permission for RTSPU streaming media - In order to receive streaming video via the RTSPU protocol (RTSP over UDP) Windows Media Player version 9 needs to be given server permission in Zone Labs Security software. [9178]
  5. When you install Cisco VPN client, then install a 4.x version of Zone Labs Security software, Zone Labs Security software upgrades a DLL that is also used by the Cisco VPN client. If you either uninstall Zone Labs Security software 4.x or install an earlier version, you must also uninstall the Cisco VPN client, otherwise the shared DLL will not be downgraded to a compatible version. [11913]
  6. Problems with Zone Labs security software and GoToMyPC on Windows XP- If you are connecting to a Windows XP machine that has the "Protect the ... client" option selected, remotely opening the Zone Labs security software Control Center on the host machine will block all keyboard and mouse activity. To resolve this issue, on the host machine, select Program Control|Programs, and give Trusted and Internet access rights to the "GoToMyPC Screensharing Plugin" (g2host.exe), then reboot the host machine. [14624]
  7. Running Zone Labs security software simultaneously with other firewall software may cause conflicts - We recommend that you not run other PC firewall products (such as PC-Cillin, Kerio, Sygate) simultaneously with Zone Labs security software. [12641, 17734]
  8. Certain versions of McAfee antivirus software are incompatible with ZoneAlarm Antivirus and ZoneAlarm Security Suite. If you are using a version of McAfee that uses Layered Service Provider (LSP) technology you will not be able to turn on the Zone Labs antivirus feature. [18034]
  9. Using ZoneAlarm Security Suite along with DiamondCS Process Guard program can cause your computer to hang. To avoid this, disable Disable DiamondCS Process Guard when ZoneAlarm Security Suite is running. [19591]
  10. When running a Zone Labs firewall product at the same time as Norton Internet Security (NIS), you may have problems viewing some HTML pages. To prevent these problems, disable the NIS Personal Firewall. [23244]


Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-11-2008 12:55 PM

Looks like the LiveUpdate Notice component was not uninstalled correctly. You might want to use One-Click Support.

Now new problems...


I removed Zone alarm as was advised.


I ran the removal tool..


I cleaned up the registry, rebooted.


I ran the 2009 installation applet and it goes through the motions and then gives me the following error message


Install did not finish.


A clean up was performed on your computer to complete the installation. Click restart now and try again.


I restart and try again and the error message is repeated.


By the way this is about Norton Anti Virus not Norton Internet Security. Sorry for that confusion.

Message Edited by UlteriorModem on 10-11-2008 04:22 PM
Message Edited by UlteriorModem on 10-11-2008 04:23 PM

Its possible your download is corrupt. Try deleting your download and using CCleaner to empty your cookies and temp files. Download and fresh copy of NIS.

I have done exactly this Dieselman and still recieve the error message.


And its not NIS its NAV

Are you using the latest Norton Removal Tool?  Have you tried running it again? Also there is an extensive clean up procedure for Zone Alarm. I know this by heart so here it is.


To remove ZoneAlarm completely from your computer in case normal uninstall can’t be run or doesn’t run properly, do the following:


* Right click the ZoneAlarm systray icon and click Restore ZoneAlarm Control Center.

Go to Overview > Preferences and uncheck Load ZoneAlarm at startup.

Close Control Center, right click the icon again and then click Shutdown ZoneAlarm.

Note: If you're unable to carry out this step because the icon is missing, you can skip it and proceed with the next steps, but in this case do them all in safe mode!




* Go to Start > Programs > ZoneLabs and click Uninstall, or uninstall ZA using Control Panel > Software > Add/Remove Programs.

If a security check appears, click Yes and continue the uninstall procedure.




* Make sure hidden files and folders are shown. To do so open Windows Explorer. Depending on your OS click Tools or View and then Folder Options > View.

Choose Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Windows 2000/XP/2003 only) and click OK.


* Next go to Start > Search > Files and Folders. Make sure the location box is set to search your Local Hard Drive (usually C:\ ) or All Local Drives. Also make

sure the Advanced Search Options are set to search subfolders and hidden files. Now copy the entire line below, paste it into the search box and click Search Now.


Zonelabs; "zone labs"; "Internet logs"; vsconfig.xml; vsdata.dll; vsdata95.vxd; vsdatant.sys; vsmon.*; vsmonapi.dll; vsnetutils.dll;vspubapi.dll; zaplus.*; zapro.*; zllictbl.dat; zlparser.dll; zonealarm.exe; zoneband.dll; vsutil.dll; zlclient.*



A list of files and folders belonging to ZoneAlarm will appear in the Search Results pane.

Note:  if you’re using McAfee software be sure to check the vsutil.dll if found: right click the file and choose Properties. Verify it belongs to ZoneLabs.

If it does not do not remove it. Now proceed by deleting all ZoneLabs files and folders that were found.


* Empty the Recycle Bin.


* Now remove all ZoneLabs keys that may be left in the Windows registry. To do this copy the lines below and paste them into Notepad.

Save the file as zabegone.reg, double click it and allow for the registry changes to be made.







[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Zone Labs]


[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Zone Labs]


[-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Zone Labs]





ZoneAlarm will now be completely removed from your computer. If you wish to install a new copy of ZA, be sure to do so under an administrator account

with full rights and permissions.    

Are you using the latest Norton Removal Tool?  Have you tried running it again? Also there is an extensive clean up procedure for Zone Alarm. I know this by heart so here it is.


To remove ZoneAlarm completely from your computer in case normal uninstall can’t be run or doesn’t run properly, do the following:

* Right click the ZoneAlarm systray icon and click Restore ZoneAlarm Control Center.

Go to Overview > Preferences and uncheck Load ZoneAlarm at startup.

Close Control Center, right click the icon again and then click Shutdown ZoneAlarm.

Note: If you're unable to carry out this step because the icon is missing, you can skip it and proceed with the next steps, but in this case do them all in safe mode!

No icon is available as it has been un-installed. 



* Go to Start > Programs > ZoneLabs and click Uninstall, or uninstall ZA using Control Panel > Software > Add/Remove Programs.

If a security check appears, click Yes and continue the uninstall procedure.

 No trace of Zone alarm in Add/Remove programs



* Make sure hidden files and folders are shown. To do so open Windows Explorer. Depending on your OS click Tools or View and then Folder Options > View.

Choose Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Windows 2000/XP/2003 only) and click OK.


* Next go to Start > Search > Files and Folders. Make sure the location box is set to search your Local Hard Drive (usually C:\ ) or All Local Drives. Also make

sure the Advanced Search Options are set to search subfolders and hidden files. Now copy the entire line below, paste it into the search box and click Search Now.


Zonelabs; "zone labs"; "Internet logs"; vsconfig.xml; vsdata.dll; vsdata95.vxd; vsdatant.sys; vsmon.*; vsmonapi.dll; vsnetutils.dll;vspubapi.dll; zaplus.*; zapro.*; zllictbl.dat; zlparser.dll; zonealarm.exe; zoneband.dll; vsutil.dll; zlclient.*



A list of files and folders belonging to ZoneAlarm will appear in the Search Results pane.

Note:  if you’re using McAfee software be sure to check the vsutil.dll if found: right click the file and choose Properties. Verify it belongs to ZoneLabs.

If it does not do not remove it. Now proceed by deleting all ZoneLabs files and folders that were found.

The search found nothing. 

* Empty the Recycle Bin.


* Now remove all ZoneLabs keys that may be left in the Windows registry. To do this copy the lines below and paste them into Notepad.

Save the file as zabegone.reg, double click it and allow for the registry changes to be made.

No registry keys found in the registry. It appears that CC cleaner did its job. 






[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Zone Labs]


[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Zone Labs]


[-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Zone Labs]





ZoneAlarm will now be completely removed from your computer. If you wish to install a new copy of ZA, be sure to do so under an administrator account

with full rights and permissions.   


This is windows XP

Message Edited by UlteriorModem on 10-11-2008 05:38 PM

That is for XP.