I'm a longtime NAV user but a first-time Norton Firewall User. I've been using Zone Alarm / Pro for about 7 years and would love to get rid of it... but I'm REALLY having trouble networking my home computers using Microsoft Windows Network. Here's my configuration, with a wired network that was working well (with Zone Alarm Pro) until I installed NIS 9:
Laptop 1: XP Pro SP3, NIS 9.
Laptop 2: XP Pro SP2, ZA Pro 7.0.483.000.
Desktop: XP Pro SP2, ZA Pro same
What's happening:
Desktop can see shared drives on Laptop 2 but NOT on Laptop 1.
Laptop 1 can see Desktop.
Laptop 2 can see shared drives on Desktop but NOT on Laptop 1.
Error message received whenever I fail to access a computer running NIS 9: "[Network name] is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.
Windows cannot find the network path. Verify that the network part his correct and the destination computer is not busy or turned off. If Windows still cannot find the network path, contact your network administrator."
This happens if I enter \\computer name or \\IP address.
This happens in My Network Places.
Wired Networking scheme on NIS Security Map: Trust level FULL TRUST
All computer icons appear and all have "Full Trust" status.
To add to the complication, there's also Laptop 3, new to the network and with the exact same configuration as Laptop 1. They're both running NIS 9 in a FULL trust network... but they can't see each other nor their shared drives. And contrary to Laptop 1, Laptop 3 cannot see Desktop. (The only explanation I can see is that upon installation NIS 9 recognized old shares. According to the helpfile I can use Trust Control to create new shares, but this doesn't seem to be working even among computers running under the same NIS license.
Now, here's the weirdest part: The computers can ping each other.
And also weird to someone used to ZA: When I look at the log of the firewall, the IPs of the computers being blocked do not appear.
1. What am I missing???? How can I make this work?
2. What kind of headache will I have when I tried to connect to my husband's wired network at his office? Will I need to purge all home devices each time from the Home Security Map?
Please help so that I don't have to go back to ZA? .......
Thanks much,