NIS 2010 Antispam Not Working



I am using NIS 2010 ( on Windows 7 64-bit with Outlook 2007.


I have noticed that NIS anti-spam does not appear to be working properly.


I have a couple of email addresses recorded as spam and indeed they show up in the list of blocked addresses within NIS.  Yet, when I get more emails from this address NIS is not filtering them as spam and they end up in my inbox.


I never had this problem with NIS 2009.


I have also noticed that NIS does not have its own SPAM folder within Outlook as 2009 did.  Instead is just sends spam emails to Outlook's native junk mail folder. 


I have the junk filter within Outlook switched off so as not to intefere with NIS anti-spam.


Does anybody have any ideas why NIS is not filtering spam as it should?


Many thanks.