I have a home network with 3 PCs connected to a Linksys router. On PC1 I have a printer. On PC2 I have installed this printer as "Canon on PC1". Its Properties dialog box shows the Port as "USB003 Remote Printer Ports".
Until yesterday, when I replaced NIS 2009 with NIS 2010, I was able to print on this printer from PC2. Now, print jobs initiated on PC2 just wait endlessly in its print queue for this printer, and a "ping <IP-address-of-PC1>" command issued on PC2 times out. A "ping <IP-address-of-PC2>" command issued on PC1 also times out.
NIS 2010 Network Map shows PC1 with the correct IP address, as well as PC2 (my PC) and PC3 with their correct computer names and IP addresses, yet I am unable to communicate from PC2 to PC1 or from PC1 to PC2.
What did NIS 2010 change such that I can no longer communicate from PC2 to PC1? And how do I restore things to the way they were so that I can finally print all the jobs that are waiting in my print queue?