Today has faced such problem: has picked up trojan BackDoor.Tdss.565. NIS 2010 it don't detect and accordingly does not delete. The information on this virus was found on a site of antivirus Dr.Web:
"Only Dr.Web cures the latest BackDoor.Tdss.565
November 11, 2009
The Russian anti-virus vendor Doctor Web warns Internet users of the new malignant modification of a backdoor belonging to the Tdss family. According to Doctor Web by 9.30 GMT no anti-virus has been capable of detecting the malicious program if it is already running. However, the beta-version of Dr.Web scanner detects and neutralizes BackDoor.Tdss.565.
You can find the description of BackDoor.Tdss.565 in the “All about viruses” section of Doctor Web’s site. This malicious program is a sophisticated piece of malware that takes advantage of rootkit technologies and is even more difficult to cure than the notorious Rustoc.C. A detailed review of BackDoor.Tdss.565 will be published on Doctor Web's site shortly. Follow the news updates!"
(The link to the original: i=685&c=19&lng=en)
The body of the virus in the form of a file tdlwsp.dll I is direct has localised and has hidden in archive. Whether there is a sense to route it to laboratory Symantec? And how it to make? I have not found the necessary link.
P.S.: I have transmitted archive with a virus in laboratory Symantec.