I've got a persistant problem with NIS 2010 on Win 7ultimate x64. When the computer is woken from sleep I am unable to access NIS and there is no indication its running. I have tried reinstalling everything (OS, apps, NIS) from scratch and applied the hotfix for no system tray icon and nothing works.
Shutting down and restarting magically brings NIS 2010 back to life but as soon as the system sleeps and is woken NIS cant be accessed in any account or with administrator privileges. Clicking the icon results after a significant delay in the Norton support screen but the icon spins endlessly and never completes. I am unsure if I am protected when my system wakes from sleep.
Not particularly happy with this for a Win 7 compatible product :-(
Thanks for the reply. Idle Time Scan was set to ON, I've set it to OFF and the problem seems to have gone away.
Waking from sleep in any account and Norton control panel opens up fine, the desktop gadget is a happy green instantly and the Firefox toolbar is present.
Whats happening with the Idle Time Scan and wake from sleep though?
Anyway thanks for the band aid fix - greatly appreciated.
When you try to run a manual scan, what sort of scan are you starting? How long does it take in the scan before Norton stops responding? Do you get any error messages? Also, try turning off scanning of compressed files to see if that helps. Settings > Compressed Files Scan > Off