NIS 2010 File Insight - manually setting for user trust missing?

The Help indicates: that Insight:

 Displays the information such as the trust rating and community usage of a file

You can view details such as the date on which the file was created and the date on which the file was last used. You can also determine if a file is a start-up item and if it was launched on your computer.

Symantec analyzes specific information about a file such as the digital signature and the hash value to determine the confidence level of a file. Symantec labels the trusted files as Norton Trusted. You can use the Check Trust Now option to determine the current confidence level of a file. You can also manually trust a file. For example, the confidence level of a file is unknown or not trusted and you know that the file belongs to a well-known application. In this case, you can manually trust the file by using the Trust Now option.


I want to set a file as user tryusted.  Help says "you can manually trust the file by using the Trust Now option."


I cant find that option nor the CHECK TRUST NOW  option.


Can anyone help out?   


