NIS 2010 licence issue + very, very poor support

It seems i cant use on of my 3 licenses for NIS 2010 to licence NIS 2010 Netbook Edition ?


This does not make any sense as i now have to uninstall it and re-install the full size NIS 2010 on my Netbook !! ( or buy a new 3 pc licence for NIS 2010 Netbook Edition )


Second moan :) - I have twice used the Norton "live chat" support service.


first time to query a mismatch of available licences  showing on Norton Account (this was eventually succesfuly corrected) and secondly to ask the above question about whether i could use my existing licence for NIS 2010 Netbook Edition (this question was eventually correctly answered)


BUT - on both ocasions i got a support worker who seemed to have a very, very poor grasp of the english language and on both occasions they tried to first push me towards a download link for NIS and then asked if i wanted them to install it remotely on the machine i was using.


NO - just read the question properley !!!!! i even re-typed it during chat and they still ignored it.


This is really irritating - i took time to carefully compose a very simple and clear question when prompted as i logged into chat and then got the run around because the support person apparently cant read english properley - so they go through some bizzare script to offer to install the product remotely !!!!!!!!!!!


2 / 10 Symantec - very very un-impressive indeed.


I am being realsitic here, BTW - am not expecting to find Bill Gates on the other end of the phone, but this was very, very poor from a customer perspective.