Hi all:
I've been a Norton user since 1995. Initially it started out with the Antivirus, then eventually went to the f/w and then nis. I still like 2006 better than all of them. However over the past few years I was forced to keep up with the newer versions. I purchased NIS 2010 today, because within a short period of time, my NIS 2008 will be expiring. I was using NIS 2010 trail on my desktop to get familiar with it, before installing it on my notebook, my wife's notebook and the desktop with the live (retail) copy.
After playing with it for a while, I either missed it or NIS 2010 doesn't do it. Specifically, under NIS 2008, all connections I made to the Internet were logged, like this:
10/7/2009 9:36:19 PM,,2444,,http(80),2028,3525,0:00:13.068,"Connection: api.recaptcha.net
10/7/2009 9:36:19 PM,,2457,,http(80),1715,593,0:00:10.104,"Connection: om.symantec.com
On NIS 2010 I went to 20 different sites, and none of them showed in the logs. What's up, or what am I doing wrong?
[edit: Changed subject for clarity.]