NIS 2010 Toolbar and IPS in Firefox 3.5.2, etc.

So, apparently the problem with the NIS add-ons in Firefox has not been fixed in NIS 2010 ( I haven't been running NIS for a couple months now because I switched solely to Windows 7 RC and RTM. It's been great, actually. Firefox never crashed, my machines were blazing fast, and I felt perfectly secure using the beta release of Microsoft Security Essentials (one of the few antivirus products that worked with Windows 7 when I started using it). Now that NIS 2010 is out (I was somehow able to download it late last night through the update center), I decided to install NIS again and see how it runs. Well, it's very disappointing. Firefox crashes on a regular basis and it takes at least 20 seconds longer to boot my machines, not to mention the general slowdown while using the machine. Windows Explorer stopped responding just a few minutes ago. First time that's happened in Windows 7.


Basically, what the heck?! I mean, I decided to pay for what I thought to be a great antivirus security suite, and while I do appreciate many of the features included with NIS, it is not fun dealing with the Firefox headache (I guess I'll just disable the toolbar and IPS...I hate toolbars, anyway) and my now slow machines. It's strange because NIS isn't using a lot of system resources, but it seems like everything just takes a little longer to respond with NIS installed. It's probably because of the real-time protection features (SONAR?). I think this feature might be a little overkill for most users security needs, or at least mine, anyway.


Anyway, the whole point of my post is really just to see if anyone else is experiencing some of the same issues and if anyone has any suggestions. I'm close to ditching Norton, again, and using something else (probably MSE). I really don't want to since I paid for it, but I hate dealing with this crap.


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Message Edited by shannons on 09-08-2009 07:42 PM