Hello and happy Sunday, keep reading posts where many users have problemswith NIS 2012 because of failure detection, blocking and deletion of someROOTKIT ZEROACCES, MBR, TDSS, TDL 3-4 etc etc. ... I'm trying to see if NIS2012 is not 'i can do its job, I'm trying to download MALWAREDOMAINLIST fromthe latest threats on the network and especially the ROOTKI zeroaccess, butunfortunately I can not do it because I NIS blocks the entry of all URLs that containthe rootkit, even turning off the control of the URL, when you download the infected file, it is detected and eliminated before it on the pc and so I 'can not verify if theSONAR or the virus are able to work at this point, I wonder how it is possible to have your PC infected with these files? My question is: when you do install NIS2012 on a PC clean and formatted? if the installation is done on an infectedcomputer where 'other antivirus did not detect the rootkit, the problem is not' due toNIS ushered roorkit, but the virus 'already' on the PC, also remember that somerootkits are not removed even after formatting. I conclude by saying that I can notdownload the PC nessu rootkits to try to disintegrate the NIS.