NIS 2012 and Thunderbird 10.0.2

Hello All;


I have switched my email over to using the POP3 (port 110) and STMP (port 25), since the NIS does not support other ports for scaning the incomming email.


I have noticed just once an alert from NIS about an email with bad stuff in it; however I am still having emails with attachements coming through which have virus's in them.


I only view the subjects on the emails, never open them; so not sure how the attachement is getting executed and the virus installed?


I have have inclueded a text file with the latest ones I found today.

I have setup a special scan in NIS to scan all of my data areas and it keeps finding these every couple of days.

What I want to know is why is the NIS not catching these attachements and removing them?
Yes I have enabled the message scanning in NIS


Thanks in advance for the help.