NIS 2012 and Windows 8.1

:smileysad:As many of you know, in order to use the Local Vault you first have to install NIS 2012 (ver 19), create the Local Vault and then upgrade to NIS 2013 (ver 20) or to NIS 2014 (ver 21). This is doable in Windows 8 but NIS 2012 is not compatible with Windows 8.1 and actually will crash the system. I am running a clean install of Windows 8.1 Pro GA and have tried both and also and they both crash 8.1. Is there a NIS 2012 (v19) that is compatible with 8.1 and where can I download it?

If not then I guess the Local Vault is history on my systems.


Sure wish Norton would bring back the Local Vault in their new products, it would make life a lot better.

