Hello everybody,
I have Windows 7 Home Edition 64 bit.
I am running NIS 2012 since February 2012, I had really no problem, but with last update of 23rd of August I am not satisfied!
When the PC starts NIS 2012 starts as well, after 10 minutes about, the icon in the task bar disappear and when I go to the task manager I can't see any symantec or norton process running.
I don't know what's happening however I checked the History from the NIS software and then I could see that each time NIS try to lock conhost.exe the software stops. I compared the time with the conhost locking from history and the NIS closing crash.
This can easily be verified because I have the NIS opened on the main window and after 10 minutes (sometimes 15/20) the window closes itself and no processes are on the task manager. So I run again NIS (from start menu) and the icon appears and the software runs again. After 10 minutes more (seems alwasy the conhost.exe locking the problem) it crashes again...
This happens always!
I tried to check on the web and on this board for possible similar problems.
So I tried to follow some instructions:
- uninstall NIS 2012 from control panel
- reboot
- run Norton removal tool (which is a tool that takes about 30 minutes to start to show the main window... very bad software for end-user, I am wondering who is the developer for this...)
- reboot
- run again norton removal tool (to me this was a stupid step, but I did it)
- reboot
- empty all global and local temp directories
- reboot
- do a search on regedit about norton and symantec register keys and remove them if any
- reboot
- install NIS 2012
- do live updates
- reboot
The problem was still there!
I did all these steps 3 times... no way to get the NIS working again like in past.
This said... I tried to do one different thing: remove NIS 2012, reboot, install NIS2012 version 19.4 and then tried to do a total scan. The scan was successfull and the program was not closing anymore.
Then I did a live update (about 80 MB of download data) and then rebooted... crap... problem was happening again!
I am almost sure the problem is on the last update of 23/08/2012, but I don't know what and which is... the only thing I could find from poor, really poor logs was that NIS stops after conhost.exe detection to lock it! (which seems a normal thing, but why crash just after this?)
Any suggestion?
I'm free to make tests, this is a big problem for me and I paied for a working software, so I could be satisfied if I can run live update for only virus definition and stay on old 19.4 version, but seems there is no way to do this.