NIS 2012 detects Trojan.Gen.2 in UniblueClean.exe



Let me start from the beginning... Im using Uniblue's RegistryBooster 2012 to check the Windows Registry for invalid entries and such. When RegistryBooster finds any, it creates a back-up before it repairs the registry, just in case if you want to roll back to the registry before it was repaired. Most of the time I delete the back-up file(s) after viewing the repair log.


On April 15th there was an update for RegistryBooster which I downloaded and installed, finding out later that I couldnt delete the back-up files, there a button to delete the selected file but it simply doesnt work... files are still there.


I contacted Uniblue's Support on the matter and after a few mails I got the following email with a link to download a tool called uniblueclean.exe.


See image below...



It couldnt be dowloaded because NIS quaranteened it and deleted it afterworths.


See image below...



Is this a false positive or does it really contains Trojan.Gen.2 ?